Wednesday, October 7, 2009

back from my trip

My trip was lovely, got to hang out with my cousin and her family. And got to see other family that i have not seen in many, many years. Talked about family drama, lol So much of it in our family. but yeah i did everything that i wanted to do and relaxed a bit. Its nice to be in a house with no crazy construction, lol. But on another note, he and i never met up. i dont know if hes telling the truth or not, guess i have to believe him but my bitter, cynical side just doesnt believe any man anymore. Now is it fair for me to label all men dbs? Ok so this is his excuse. He told me he asked for days off and they never got approved. Then on sunday i was annoyed with him and didnt text him back all day so he tells me that hes sorry but he wanted to meet up but 3 people at work are out on vaca and hes stuck working. I mean that could be true and i know that he works long crazy shifts and i know that he works lots of OT. But still a small part of me wished he would have tried harder to see me but then again if i was working 18 hr shifts all week i would probably not wanna go out either. But who knows. so yeah thats his story and i dont know what to do. I dont know where we stand. I'm just gonna not worry about it like i normally do and just let him chase me and i'll just not talk to him as much.