Sunday, May 3, 2009

Its funny

So i had a bday gift for the DB and well I didnt send it cause he doesnt deserve something nice from me for the way he treated me. But i decided to write him a nice note basically saying have a happy birthday, i got you something awesome, oh wait since you no longer talk to me you are not getting it. So i told him I found the song hes been looking for for years and now i feel great. I dont care if he even read it, or even believes me but it just makes me feel good to have said that and not expecting a response or anything but now I feel like i have closure and can find someone better. And i made excuses for him like its his job situation and crap like that but if he was really the one for me he would have made it work. So now I'm finally back on my diet and hopefully will be done with school soon. And hopefully will find a great guy but yeah no more online men for me. Just not gonna look for him anymore cause I know from the past that you always find someone great when you are not looking for it. And i'm so happy finals are almost done and I really need to get out one of these nights cause all i do is study, study, study