Saturday, January 24, 2009

Guess i should make a post

I'm gonna try this new thing out and see how I like it. I already have way too many blogs, lol. But yeah heard this was a good one. So here goes. My week at work was crazy and nuts. First 3 days I get out early and then on thursday it was completely nuts. We were so understaffed it was nuts. I hate corporate, I think they are stupid and have no idea what the hell they are doing. I dont get why we cut hours when most rooms are booked except for the baby and toddler class. Now friday was even more fun, I had two trial days and I already am at full capacity, so yeah that was fun. I'm just glad they didnt cry or anything cause seriously I was not in the mood for that at all. But I did have a very enjoyable night at this awesome restaurant that was on the ocean. Great food and loved everything about it.
So me and one of my friends are actually following through on our plan, we are going out and trying new things and so far so good. Oh and I am happy to say that I am no longer meeting guys online cause seriously my track record is pretty bad. I am now talking to one more, we met, it was great. Its funny cause I came really close to deleting his messages but I dont know I decided to just see what happens. I'm not really expecting much, Ok wait that sounds bad. What i mean to say is I think what I need is just someone to go out with and just see what happens but dont really need someone, if that makes any sense. Oh and I have deleted so many guys from faceboook and my phone, its great. I hope this is going to be a great year full of new changes.
But the most important change will be me finally done with JC and transferring to a university, thats my ultimate goal. Oh and reaching my goal wieght by the end of the year.


Unknown said...

I'm so glad you decided to join! I always forget to check your myspace blog.

JodiD said...

Welcome!! Sounds like kindercare hasn't changed! I'm so glad I'm gone!! When are you leaving that place?

Misworld said...

I will probably go when I go to school full time