Sunday, June 28, 2009

little update

So i'm all excited cause me and my friend are planning a trip to Seattle and I'm probably gonna visit my cousin in Jersey and still no online dating. You guys didnt think I could do it but I did it. Honestly I'd rather spend time with my friends and family then waste it on another DB. Ok so I'm just wondering what should I do about this guy (DB from the past) who keeps texting me, and I never reply. Last time I talked to him was when I told him off in March cause he wanted to see me. And seriously should I just say stop texting me or hope he finally realizes I want nothing to do with him. I mean really how dumb can one boy be? Ok so theres this guy who I know I shouldnt like but hes more of a distraction then anythig else. Hes way too young but totally hot and lives on the East coast. And he texts me pretty much all the time, even after we talked on the phone for over an hour he still texted me after that. I dont know what he wants from me and I dont know what to do. I mean I cant do the long distance thing again, it sucks and I dont even know what he wants from me. My friend told me to just tell him "i'm going to see my cousin and if you wanna hang out lemme know, if not then its ok" And if he says "hes too busy" or something then I know my answer. But i'm really not expecting mch from any guy anymore, I'm so tired of all the stupid games and whatever, I'm so tired of getting hurt all the time, I guess having someone so far away wont hurt so much if he finds someone else. I think i'm just gonna let this one guy and just have fun with him and just treat him as a friend cause I'm tired of every guy hurting me

Monday, June 8, 2009

I really did mean it

So things are kind of normal now, I have the summer off, no school!!!! So happy, i really needed a break, work is fine and the stupid DB is already dating someone else. So much for him not wanting to be tied down to a serious commitment. I mean seriously I would have preferred if he just told me "sorry, i met someone else" I swear men are so lame. I really am turning bitter, i really need a break from all of them. But yeah you will be all happy to know that I am no longer dating anymore online guys, no longer looking for them online or even in real life cause well i just wanna enjoy myself. And well i'm just tired of dealing with stupid boys who dont know what they want or who cant tell me the truth, i'm just so sick and tired of their crap. And seriously the next one I date is gonna be sorry cause i'll treat him like crap. But yeah thats why i'm done with them for now. I seriously just wanna go out have fun, visit my family in the east coast, go on vacation, go to the beach and go out and just live my life and not worry about stupid boys anymore