Sunday, April 12, 2009

Not much I can do

Well I cant worry about the whole Mark thing anymore cause its making me crazy. I cant really do anything. Just wait and hope he contacts me somehow. And i'm not looking for any answers I just want him to be ok and I just want everything to be ok. My not having a job now is also not helping me much. I really miss my kids and I hate that those bitches win and got what they wanted. So instead of me sitting around and feeling sorry for myself and worrying about whats gonna happen with me and mark. I'm gonna just go out and try to enjoy myself, like going to the beach. Thats something that costs nothing to enjoy, lol. Or going to the bookstore and reading again now that I have all this free time. And working on my Avon business. Theres this thing I need to join called a BNI, that should help my Avon business. If i could get my sales up, then i wont need another job for a bit. I'm also gonna start going around the neighborhood, introducing myself and talking about Avon. I'm not gonna wallow and make myself miserable. Mark will either never talk to me again or he will and I cant worry about that. There is just one thing I need to let him know is that i am there for him and that I know its a stressful time for him and if hes unsure about us or doesnt know then thats fine. But i'm only gonna say that if I hear from him. Evcn if he says he doesnt know yet, i'm fine. Probably gonna distance myself from him so if he does leave it wont be so bad, but i know it will be anyways. but yeah starting tomorrow, i'm not gonna sit around and think of all the crappy stuff and just do things for myself. Hopefully it helps and maybe it will clear my head so I can put things in perspective. but now its Easter and I guess i have to help my mom cook. And enjoy a Vodka martini. Happy Easter to everyone!!!!

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